Chitty Chitty Mainstage

By TRYPS Children's Theater (other events)

Saturday, September 11 2021 12:00 PM 4:00 PM CDT


We are finally heading back to the theatre together!! If you were cast in the Mainstage cast, you retain your role. No further auditions needed.

This is a payment portal for current cast members and is not open to the public for enrollment.

Thank you for using Ticketleap. It assists our small staff with tracking billing, providing you with a receipt, and saving TRYPS credit card fees. While we recover from the financial impact of COVID and the move, we regret that sibling discount are not availaible at this time. We appreciate your patience and support! 

Mainstage current cast members - $100 renewal tuition

Encore invited cast members - $100 renewal tuition

New students invited to join the cast - $275 tution

Rehearsal dates:  Sept 11-Nov 27 (Calendar will be provided for you.)

Performance dates:  Nov 18-21, 2021

Questions? Email[email protected]